EU in Egypt Facebook page

تعاون ناجح آخر لتعزيز مهارات العمل والتصدي للأسباب الجذرية للهجرة غير النظامية. يقف الاتحاد الأوروبي وإيطاليا ومصر معًا لتحسين حياة الناس في الشرقية .Another successful cooperation to strengthen labour skills and counter the root causes of irregular migration. The EU, Italy and Egypt stand together to enhance the lives of people in Sharkeya. @ItalyinEgypt Read […]
Egypt, EU, Italy Launch MEPEP to Address...

The European Union, together with the government of Egypt, the Italian Embassy in Cairo and the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation…
European Union in Egypt launches the “Multi-Educational...

The European Union, together with the Egyptian Government, the Italian Embassy and the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation…