
Ministry of Trade and Industry (MoTI)
Productivity and Vocational Training Department (PVTD)
Ministry of Education & Technical Education (MoETE)
Ministry of
Foreign Affairs
Italian Embassy
in Egypt
The European Union Delegation to Egypt
Ministry of International Cooperation
The Districts of the programme targeted areas
Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)

Related Industrial Sectors

Aided Drafting
Safety & First Aid
Green Energy

For more information about the programme, here’s the MEPEP programme factsheet.

more information about the

Targeted Groups

The programme is targeting female and male young students and graduates, adult learners (employed and unemployed), employers, and Egyptian society at large including non-Egyptians.


Females And Males Trainers And Teachers

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At least 270 females and males trainers and teachers from TVET centers and technical schools

Vulnerable People Living In Sharkeya

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At least 2,500 young male and female from vulnerable groups living in Sharkeya Governorate

Indirect Beneficiaries

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At least 15,000 indirect beneficiaries, e.g. household and community members will receive a substantial improvement

Companies, Factories & Agencies

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At least 400 companies/factories/agencies in the district will benefit from wider availability of skilled workforce

Enhancement Of TVET Providers

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Enhancement of at least 60 TVET providers (TVET Centres and Technical Schools)

More information ABOUT​

The Donor

The “European Union Emergency Trust Fund”- Enhancing the Response to Migration Challenges in Egypt programme, aims for higher stability and addressing the root causes of irregular migration and displaced persons in Africa, and is aligned with operational framework of the EUTF North Africa Window (EUTF NAW);

More information about EUTF NAW can be found at

More information ABOUT

The Implementing Agency

The Italian Agency for Development Cooperation, AICS (Agenzia Italiana per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo) in Egypt has as a main objective to eradicate hunger and poverty by working on several dimensions: (i) the social dimension ;(ii) Human Capital development; (iii) economic development; (iv) Agriculture and Rural Development; (v) cultural heritage; (vi) Environment.

More information about AICS – Cairo can be found at