Launching event of “Promotion of employment and socio-economic development opportunities through a better quality TVET system in Sharkeya”

Tuesday, May 16th, 2023:

A Signature Ceremony between Dr Martino Melli, Director of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation AICS Cairo and Father Pietro Bianchi, Don Bosco Provincial Economer on behalf of Don Bosco Cairo took place. This marks the launch of the project: Promotion of Employment and socio-economic development Opportunities through a better quality TVET System in Sharkeya. This project is one of the projects of The Multi-Educational Programme for Employment Promotion in Migration-affected Areas EU-MEPEP that aims at contributing to fostering a more inclusive social, and economic environment and enhancing economic and equal opportunities for Egyptian Youth. This event was attended by the responsibles from the PVTD, MoETE, MoIC, The European Union, The European Delegation in Egypt, The Italian Embassy and GIZ.

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